October 27, 2020

The Lady's Cat

Photo by Buenosia Carol from Pexels

This world will offer you fear, instead of failure
Lust instead of Love
Sugar instead of the salt that you need
A temporary change, instead of a difference
Sleazy marketing schemes capturing your focus 
To everything that's non-essential 
Distributing your energy onto scattered desires
To one day only wish to see the leaves change
And the house cat that greets you

Another poem to read: Rose Quartz

October 20, 2020


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I built a fortress around myself
White great brick walls
It swelled as it trembled to new heights
Growing at my request

I sat on a blanket of dense grass
With the Son hugging my back
Picking dandelions
Delicately protected
Not offered to the world
To be restored 
With self-worth

Another poem to read: Hold My Hand, Dear Lord

October 13, 2020

Message in a Bottle

Photo by Nguyễn Thanh Ngọc from Pexels

Here comes the wave
The ocean shoving saying, ‘You don’t belong here’
‘Go back to shore’
You come here with your floating devices
Oxygen to dive
You know you don’t belong here
Still, you come with your food wrappers
Empty bottles to send messages
We’ll gladly send your garbage
Your lovely love letter
Back to shore!

Another poem to read: Rocks

October 6, 2020

Industry Chick

Photo by Cheyenne Shotton from Pexels

they were a couple / banking 
on her desires for him / to create 
a fandom / a choir of harps /
angels of encouragement / angles with admiration /
spreading his music across the globe /
his ego grew immensely /
accompanied by the woman 
who brewed this deception /
to exalt herself in arenas / because she
knew the other woman /
was his muse

Another poem to read: Treasure