December 20, 2020

The Princess at Eight

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Eyebrows unruly and wide
A smile like God's light
A heart of easy compassion
Secrets in a quiet voice
Mystery in deep creative eyes
A child with a gift
Pinned to her by God.

Another poem to read: Gifts

December 13, 2020

Dinner at the Diner

Photo by freestocks(dot)org on Pexels

I'd see him once a year / this time of year / 
in my dreams / in my wishes / in my heart /
yesterday / you weren't here /
not in my mind /
not in my desires / 
not in the blinking of my tears /
it's the gathering / the turkey
the yams / the cornbread 
the champagne glasses clinking / 
the gossip / the glances I'm avoiding / 
the low lights/ the soft caroling music / 
in this neighborhood restaurant /
where everybody knows what they
know / the coupling
the feeling of emptiness /
as I stare at the train that wraps around the base 
of the Christmas tree / reminds me
of how long I waited at Grand Central Station /
to find out how much you loved me

Another poem to read: Still, No Christmas Lights

December 6, 2020


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

the old wood smelling floor in the study
ribbon, tape, and wrapping paper
early morning lights the room
gifts wrapped in secrecy
with hands that decorate anticipating
the gift-giving season
gifts for my Loves
my four paw companion
my friends
and my 

Another poem to read: Birthday Party