September 27, 2020

Dream Catcher

Photo by Spencer Lind from Pexels

This is my only way out
I keep telling myself
If it drops in, I'm in
Out of the projects
Out of poverty
I need 30 points in stats
My grade point average
My coach will handle that
If it drops in, I'm in
Dream catcher

Another poem to read: Fields of Dreams

September 20, 2020

Untitled, Alliyah 2020

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

It may be a long time
Before there is justice for her
In my life, she's my Queen
A beautiful soul
I worry when her smile fades
So I gift her with a rose
I shower her with love
Today, I know
Many eyes have washed over her
Bathed in a generational mindset
In our home, she's my Queen
Together we pray
In His Kingdom

Another poem to read: Love

September 15, 2020

Thin Mints

Photo by freestocks(dot)org from Pexels

My husband was home
I smell bergamot, pepper, cardamom, saffron, and leather
He left a note on the kitchen island 
It read, "I ate the last thin mint cookie" so petty
I can't entertain him ruffling my feathers
Rolling my eyes headed to the wine cellar
What do I see next to 14 Hands, his empty glass
With exhausted hands, I carry it to the kitchen 
Turn on the faucet and in the sink, a teabag
Sometimes he can be so draining, am I surprised

September 8, 2020

Job Shaming

Photo by Mister Mister from Pexels

He job shamed her with his pickup line
Promised a better life, if she was interested
Like he was a savior or some god
Flashing hope on chunky gold jewelry
Like he bought freedom on his watch
Freedom to reside only in places of peace
To enjoy all the joys of life
Like his money bought total life fulfillment

Clearly, that man doesn't know
Salvation only comes from God
Some women may seek him
Like he is the savior they've been waiting for
Ready to take whatever they can take
Life, can someday take everything that he has
Salvation will never come from him 
He is not your savior!

Another poem to read: The Woman in Apt. 222

September 6, 2020


Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels

A fisherman and his net
Throws the fish back in the ocean
An experience that felt like death
The salt of life taken 
An entanglement for his amusement
To say, Ha! I got you
Now, back into the pool of hope
I never really wanted you
I never intended to keep you
I wanted to see if I could have you
It was all a game
A sport that fishermen play
You are the salt of life

Another poem to read: Mr. Dapper

September 1, 2020

The Obituary

Photo by Elijah O' Donnell from Pexels

He was a man that practiced peace and self-control
He didn't waste his time puzzling women in a net of lies
Knowing that he wasn't at any advantage
He believed Ecclesiastes seven
One-tenth of one percent could be said to be wise
But not one woman
So he thought, a mass were not qualified
To even be interviewed
So most men could be thought 
Just as capable as a woman
What a waste of time 
Catching many fish to later find
You are entangled in your own net

He wanted to prove himself to be a man
To master godly qualities
To be thought of as a man
With every failure, he allowed himself
To receive the grace, mercy, and direct teaching
From the Lord
Strengthening his relationship with God
Studying His Word
His mother's lover left him fatherless
He was a son of God

Another poem to read: Elevated