January 16, 2024

Five and Seven

He has given greater gifts,
Greater than I could have imagined, 
To give to myself, 
When presented with them, my response, 
For me?

I've feared asking people for help,
Never wanted to see them, 
I beautifully painted over them, 
Never wanted to see them, 
I decorated characteristics, 
Characteristics they never had, 
Never wanted to see them.

January 11, 2024


I knew my girl when I saw her,
I was standing on Flamingo,
I watched her run, and she won,
Through telepathy, she contacted me,
"Momma, watch me run!"

Ow, what grace I am given,
Grace to be able to stumble upon that race,
What haven't I forgiven myself for,
The sorrow and tears,
I can't recall, but certainly something went wrong.

January 3, 2024

Never Goodbye

You will be a witness to my testimony,
We have never said goodbye,
You will scroll, stalk, like, comment, and subscribe,
You will energetically promote me with your silence.

I am the Mother,
The gift is in my energy,
The healing is in my frequency,
I reign in His Kingdom,
It is He, it is never I.

It doesn't matter how I choose to live my life,
We will all be scrutinized,
We are all imperfect,
Perfectly in His divine plan.