January 16, 2024

Five and Seven

He has given greater gifts,
Greater than I could have imagined, 
To give to myself, 
When presented with them, my response, 
For me?

I've feared asking people for help,
Never wanted to see them, 
I beautifully painted over them, 
Never wanted to see them, 
I decorated characteristics, 
Characteristics they never had, 
Never wanted to see them.

I respected and valued them,
I've asked them for help, 
They're not listening,
I had to ask them for help, 
Nobody is listening.

I'm good at painting people, 
Painting them for what they are not, 
It's my mothering nature, 
I try to uplift people, 
I've uplifted everyone, 
I carried the relationship,
To be let down.

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