August 19, 2017

Fields of Dreams

Photo by Casila - Bus in Panama

I got fields of dreams,
Bright green grass and dandelions as far as the eyes can see,
I got fields of dreams,
A box of animal crackers and a bike with no trainers,
Then came darkness…
And even in darkness, those dreams still exist. 

What happened to you?
Self-hate, because they didn't love you.
Given up, because YOU didn’t understand your gift.
Swallowed up by addictions,
Drowned at the bottom of a bottle,
Toxic relationships with coat-tail dreamers,
Hope thieves with psychological witchery,
Frenemies & Family,
Envious & Jealous dream catchers,
Time measuring dictators & destructive image consultants.
Wickedness and Laughter!

What happened to you?
Deceived to believe,
You have no talents, No purpose, 
Not up with the times, lost! Behind, and abandoned!
Rock bottom is the stronger foundation he will build your strength, Stronger!
When God gives you a gift, be passionate about it, rich with his light in your life.
Risen, because he is King and you are royalty.


Another poem to read: Guidance

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