July 30, 2020


Nymph with a Scorpion - Photo by Casila

I am exposed / I’m clothed / why do I feel
like I’m wearing nothing / naked
to your eyes / you see my body and I
wonder if you can see my soul /
I feel your eyes / crawling all over me / I am
a canvas painted with your love all over me
I am living my fantasy / learning to love 
without conditions / we are shadows 
that frolic in the dark / touching
kissing / silhouettes wrapped 
around each other / minds that think alike /
But very different / the yin to my yang

You found happiness in me / a treasure 
of intimacy fit for a king / together 
we surprise each other / with our many layers
to discover in one another / a love full of 
passion and excitement / an unmapped journey /
self-discovery / adventure / newness / a true
appetite for life  

Another poem to read:  This Precious Moment

July 29, 2020

I Love You

Eiffel Tower, Paris - Photo by Casila

Isn’t it love that you need,
Money doesn’t keep real company,
It circulates the room, 
Filled to capacity, and still it feels lonely.

Isn’t it love that you need,
Media will fool you to believe,
You have a large family,
When you don’t even know their names,
When they pass you in the streets.

July 27, 2020


Rose - Photo by Casila

I’m not perfect / 
so I expect you to be / 
everything / 
that I am not / so we 
can be perfectly whole /
when we become /

Another poem to read: On Her Day

July 23, 2020


Photo by Alicia Zinn from Pexels

Something, I didn’t want to read,
It is news,
I did not want to see,
Someone, I didn’t want to be,
Still, it attaches itself to me,
Running harder and fast,
Fading, farther, deeper into an empty stare, 
Staring at my breathing air,
Tired soul, tired bones,
Aching chest, a fatigued zest for life,
This working life, not working out for me,
Time doesn’t stop,
Time holds no remorse of dragging you, 
Into its future, 
You can stop to gather yourself, 
But Time isn’t going to wait,
It is Time that knows all-knowing,
It is Time that is certain, 
Ticking even in the moments when all is still,
A single message can travel across the globe,
In every language, every time zone,
The Revelation,
Time is King.

Another poem to read: The Book on the Shelf

July 21, 2020

Horse and Carriage

Photo by Casila - Horse Carriage Ride, Chicago

Somebody shot her foot,
Tried to stop her from movin‘, 
Movin’ on up, ow look at her life,
She looks sweet like cherry pie,
Sweet like warm buns bronzed with body lava,
Stunning like a professional bouquet,
Bee’s swarmed to her honeysuckle, 
Pollinated lifestyle, spreading her dreams, 
Nights filled with stars and twinkling lights,
Somebody stumped her foot, 
Success, popularity, sexual admiration, the good life, 
Too much on the scene for one night, 
Somebody tried to stop her.

Another poem to read: Divorce

July 19, 2020

Red Bottoms

Photo by Chevanon Photography from Pexels

did she gloat across that table / when 
she called it an entanglement / is she 
proud now / was this her ha ha ha / 
deep belly laugh moment / was his 
constrained demeanor / that showed that he cared
her reward / was it blissful 
to finally kiss it back

did she explain what she needed / wanted to feel 
to rub it in / to make him feel incompetent /
does he despise her / even more now 
more / than the day he said he was done /
was this moment all the reassurance / he needed
the confirmation / he needed it 
when he requested her / when the universe 
sent him someone else /

Another poem to read: Cat

July 16, 2020


Photo by Casila - Work Space

My poet’s ring,
Reminds my days of the nights,
I created my life from a dream.

I hope the feelings don’t fade,
Like tan lines from a band,
Where vows weren’t kept,
And dreams were shattered,
After the blessings were given,
And the union was sealed,
From Heaven. 

Another poem to read:  Fields of Dreams

July 15, 2020


Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels

I’d rather have my pizza at home,
The full box open on my sheets,
Extra sauce, extra cheese,
Paper towels, for the extra grease,
Baggy sweats and baggy tee,
Hair tied up in a scrunchie.

I’d rather have my pizza at home,
Free to eat, and eat, and eat
The entire box, all for me,
Remote control in my hand,
To flick and switch, because I can,
Lights to dim for tired eyes,
Resting my mind from all outside.

I’d rather have my pizza at home,
Yes, I’ll have it to-go, please,
I’d rather have it behind closed doors,
Phone to scroll, TV on,
Nice and comfortable in my bed,
I’d wouldn’t want it any other way.

Another poem to read: At Night

July 13, 2020

On Her Day

Photo by Casila - Married Couple in Paris

On her day, she reigned
One her day, she accepted our admiration
She loved everyone, 
While creating this moment to be cherished
Our thoughts were filled …
…she is so Beautiful,
Unconditionally Loved
We saw perfection.
His…value of everlasting worth,
With marriage.

Another poem to read: Wife

July 9, 2020


Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels

My feline licks the water droplets
From my legs, I pet her away
Walking into my closet, she stops
At the double doors with heated floors,
I slip on ostrich kitten heels,
A Valentino robe that sweeps
The monogram floor,
Heading to the kitchen
To feed my patient feline, prior
To my Zoom meeting, excited to plan
With my hilarious agent,
From Jersey.

Another poem to read: Early Morning

July 8, 2020

Early Morning

Photo by Quintin Gellar from Pexels

Moroccan rose petals and essential oils, unfold
From a sweet almond fizz and bubble bath bomb,
Himalayan salt in the clawfoot tub, a room
Softly lit with sunrise, the low volume of early
Morning news, butter croissants, and grapefruit juice.

Another poem to read: Quarantined

July 6, 2020

At Night

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Fresh white roses on the nightstand, white
Sheers and ivory drapes frame the floor
To ceiling picturesque New York skyline,
Flames glow in the electric fireplace,
Aroma tangos from the cedarwood candle
Perfuming the air, where the sound of a
Feline's meow grows closer, to find a
Space to curl up and purr loud, reality TV is
Stretched across the wall, with cinematic
Surround sound in dimmed lights,  I
Settle into the night with crisp pear wine
And a phone to scroll online during

Another poem to read: Alone

July 2, 2020

Kiss & Tell

Photo by Git Stephen Gitau from Pexels

How great is hope!
How hopeful it is to be loved!
How cherished are the moments,
Recalled with joyful squeals with friends,
Kisses to tell,
Stories co-created with God,
Gifted to you.

Another poem to read: The Coffee House

July 1, 2020


Photo by luizclas from Pexels

If you knew my love’s worth,
You could have got rich quick!
I am rich with life, I am a gift,
I am enough.

Another poem to read: Better Choices