July 29, 2020

I Love You

Eiffel Tower, Paris - Photo by Casila

Isn’t it love that you need,
Money doesn’t keep real company,
It circulates the room, 
Filled to capacity, and still it feels lonely.

Isn’t it love that you need,
Media will fool you to believe,
You have a large family,
When you don’t even know their names,
When they pass you in the streets.

Isn’t it love that you need,
Material things bring temporary joy,
Attracts thieves ready to slap your face,
Rip it right out of your hands, 
Take it from your sight,
You’re gonna wish for your peace back.

Isn’t it love that you need,
Champagne uplifts your spirits when the glass is full,
The drugging highs bring the lowest in life,
The feeling is temporary, 
The upkeep can be deadly,
Isn’t it love that you need. 

Why not,
Why not love me?
Don’t you like me?
I love you.

Another poem to read: John

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