February 1, 2022

7:02 p.m.

7:02 p.m. Clock - Photo by Casila

Never complain about the slowness of time.  Someone else may be needing a moment.  You needed a moment.  - Ms. Casila

I'm excited, I'm so anxious
I know it's going to happen for me
Gosh, I wish time would just hurry
I'm all set and ready
I know it's coming
I can't wait to see
I just know it, I can feel it
Ugh, what time is it?

Everything before me was moving in slow motion
I could hear my heart beat
I couldn't breathe
I couldn't feel my legs walking
I didn't know what prayer to pray
I just kept repeating, "God please, God please"
I just needed more time
I just wasn't ready
Time was ticking fast
My mouth was so dry
I couldn't swallow, my tears.

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