February 8, 2022

Temporary Reprieve

Keys - Photo by Casila

This home was built to keep me safe
To sleep in warmth
To prepare meals to eat 
To shower my stress away
My santuary to pray
To mediate the confusion away.

My happiness was felt here
Happy, when I set a vase of flowers on my table
Happy, when I lit scented candles to perfume the air
Happy, when I sipped hot tea infront of the tv
My temporary reprieve from suffering.

Temporary it was
Like fading relationships
Temporary it was
Like the lost of my job
Temporary, it was 
My happiness and security
Temporary reprieve from suffering.

All that I have is His peace
Given to me, but not as the world gives peace
Offered and taken away
Offered and stolen 
Offered and set aflame!
Offered and conterfeit!!
Offered, then it decenagrates!!!

Only things of Heaven are permanent
His peace cannot be taken away

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