May 25, 2023


My loyalty destroyed my reincarnation

I was a dreamer, a poet, an artist, a Pisces 

I was the giver to the takers

The unmarried housewife 

The nickel and dime worker 

I was always hopeful 

It’s what kept me alive

I was the love to my lover

I died for him a thousand times

He promised me nothing

Served me a pack of lies

I gave him my body and soul 

I was generous with my life

I was a stage queen

Surrounded by bill collectors 

I never got an applaud 

From where I came from

She wasn’t proud of me

I was nobody 

I was ghosted

The money disappeared too


People disappeared with it

May 18, 2023

Fortune Teller

Promise me love,

Two years from now.

Keep me hopeful,

Keep me daydreaming,

Sell me crystals,

Sell me tarot,

Sell me a private reading,

Sell me my future,

Sell me my fantasy,

Tell me my sweet,

Tell me sour things,

Tell me beware, 

Tell me, my dear.

Bad news

Forecasting a dark shadow

Over my life.

May 13, 2023


Who needs a heart
Disappoint me now

Offering nothing 

Who needs emotion

Energy in motion

Intent to disappoint 

Who needs a heart 

You, give no love

You, do not care

You, have no plans, for me

Who needs a heart, with you

The type 

That sleeps around,

Turns around, and spits in your face

Who needs a heart for that