May 25, 2023


My loyalty destroyed my reincarnation

I was a dreamer, a poet, an artist, a Pisces 

I was the giver to the takers

The unmarried housewife 

The nickel and dime worker 

I was always hopeful 

It’s what kept me alive

I was the love to my lover

I died for him a thousand times

He promised me nothing

Served me a pack of lies

I gave him my body and soul 

I was generous with my life

I was a stage queen

Surrounded by bill collectors 

I never got an applaud 

From where I came from

She wasn’t proud of me

I was nobody 

I was ghosted

The money disappeared too


People disappeared with it

I wasn’t available 

Void in my responsibilities 

I was hair, makeup, wardrobe, stage

For you, I was late

Never a present in my hand


I once wished to be like them

Free to be

Turns out, that’s no freedom at all

Be careful, for what you wish for 

May, come true 

Here I am

Never satisfied 

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