May 13, 2023


Who needs a heart
Disappoint me now

Offering nothing 

Who needs emotion

Energy in motion

Intent to disappoint 

Who needs a heart 

You, give no love

You, do not care

You, have no plans, for me

Who needs a heart, with you

The type 

That sleeps around,

Turns around, and spits in your face

Who needs a heart for that

The type

You invite to your house,

Steals from you

Who needs a heart for that

The type 

That marries you,

Confused, about their sexuality 

Who needs a heart for that

The type 

That cheats on you

Chooses them, over you

Who needs a heart for that

Who needs a heart

Who needs a heart 

To never be loved

To never feel love

Who needs a heart for that

Who needs a heart

To never feel cared for

To never be cherished 

Who needs a heart 

Who needs a heart


Who needs a heart

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