November 28, 2023


I just released endorphins in my brain,
To make me feel happy.

Hey I, Hey I,
Aye I, Aye I,
I feel happy,
Do I,
Don’t I?
I crave happiness,
I want happiness.

The wake up drug,
I should wake up!
My heart rate has increased,
Do I feel love?

November 18, 2023

Life Review

In spirit, why would I agree to this life?
I am my greatest love, 
My greatest deception.

It was the smile that I believed, 
The smile that covered my pain,
I thought it to be good. 

I watched my life unfold, 
I was like, 'ow yeah',
I agreed to live this life, 
Without the capacity to feel
And Isolation.

I saw her smile, 
I believed her smile, 
I thought it to be good, 
God agreed, 
He orchestrated my birth.

November 2, 2023

Dream Analysts

I had a dream last night, 
Of a kiss,
Is anyone else having these dreams?

It wasn’t stolen,
It was planted on my lips,
Who was I? That wanted this kiss,

I had a dream last night,
Of his eyes,
Colorful and different.

I’ve never seen him before
To have dreamt up his total image,
How could this be possible?


I have the clouds to dance,
The sun and moon for magic tricks,
The wind and thundershowers for cinematic action,
I am entertained.

I have strayed cats to befriend,
Birds to bring me messages,
Trees to link up to share my prayers,
Their roots are beneath my every step.

I have eyes that melt to tears at my reflection,
Hands to put together that keep me company,
Breath that escapes from my lungs,
I have ears that listen to my inner voice.

I have reminders,
My soul’s still here.