December 21, 2021

Christmas Eve

10 Digits - Photo by Casila

There is nothing in the night that I want
Seeing your light,
There's no love in moonlight,
An intoxicating glow that fades in daylight,
A fantasy gone at sunrise,
There's no love in thee illuminated night.

Glam done at ten
...for ten numbers on a napkin,
His name, handwriting to examine,
He seemed really smart,
Said he had a smart job,
He was pretty clean, smelled divine,
Charming, funny, real attentive,
Generous, kept replenishing my drink.

Could these be the winning numbers?
A jackpot of true love destined for me,
Is this how we were meant to meet?
On Christmas Eve,
Dialin' it up, Callin' him now,
About to gamble my heart like the lotto,
Wait, some woman just answered the phone.

There is nothing in the night that I want
Seeing your light,
There's no love in thee illuminated night.

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