February 12, 2022

Honey, I'm Home

Photo by Maria Bortolotto

Your voice is the rescue my heart waits for
It brings harmony to moments before
I color myself in your aura 
My arms dance around to embrace you
You're like cherry wood 
You're like cherry chapstick
You're like cherry vodka 
Effen Ultimate Cosmo
The relaxing highlight of my day
To many more years

February 8, 2022

Temporary Reprieve

Keys - Photo by Casila

This home was built to keep me safe
To sleep in warmth
To prepare meals to eat 
To shower my stress away
My santuary to pray
To mediate the confusion away.

My happiness was felt here
Happy, when I set a vase of flowers on my table
Happy, when I lit scented candles to perfume the air
Happy, when I sipped hot tea infront of the tv
My temporary reprieve from suffering.

February 1, 2022

7:02 p.m.

7:02 p.m. Clock - Photo by Casila

Never complain about the slowness of time.  Someone else may be needing a moment.  You needed a moment.  - Ms. Casila

I'm excited, I'm so anxious
I know it's going to happen for me
Gosh, I wish time would just hurry
I'm all set and ready
I know it's coming
I can't wait to see
I just know it, I can feel it
Ugh, what time is it?