June 22, 2020


Photo by rikka ameboshi from Pexels

You treated me like crap,
It’s a good thing that I’m treating myself
There was no place in the world
I wanted to be
If I had to be, me.

I believed in you
Uplifted you,
No reciprocity,
Greater than grand,
The Grand Poohbah,
Crowned and exalted,
You stood tall on my support,
With two feet firmly planted.

Spoke it into existence,
Believed in it, when you didn't believe,
Until it became a reality,
You floated on the power of my prayers,
From the breath of my words,
The air from my lungs,
From my heart given with love,
Completely drained my energy,
Nada in return,
Burned your mix-tape.

Another poem to read:  Poetic Prompts

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