April 1, 2020


Hello Yellow - Photo by Casila

As daylight peaks through the blinds,
He feels alarmed with shame,
Daylight is darker than the night.

His body smells like his poorly wiped anus and bile,
His suit is bespoke,
His pockets, lined with unidentified pills.

The sound of the hangover in this silence,
The depth of that empty sound.

He lays there trying to recall the night,
Meaningless encounters,
Unnecessary expenses,
Fake networking that will never materialize,
Supercars, coke and Cuban cigars, 
Women of the night that smell of cigarettes and marijuana,
Bottle service, drugged judgment, and preferred treatment,
The feeling of importance, entitlement, and affluence. 

The nightlife high, 
And now the truth of daylight.

Another poem to read: Mr. Dapper

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