April 1, 2024

Nobody Feels Loved

Every time you look at me,

You set me free, 

I’m the reason why you love me,

I’m the reason, you’re in love with me,

It feels so good, so good to be me,

You make me feel like I am the reason,

The sun shines.

Your soul illuminated in my eyes, 

I long to see my reflection again, 

Mirror back to me, I am love,

I long to see her again, 

I have fallen in love with my soul.

I feel so connected to everything, 

I am all things, I am oceans of love, 

The depths of this foreign emotion,

Has swallowed me whole,

I never want to let it go,

God has an agreement to love me!

Wicked Seniors

The wicked witch hid behind organized religion,
My hard work and consistent effort won me no awards,
It brought me no comforts to keep,
A family structure that felt like my institutional fate,
With seniors being the authority figures to obey,
To be seen and not heard, I formed no boundaries,
I was a servant.

Her ugliness surfaced when her children began to die,
Hocus Pocus!
Erased her son from her final will,
Hocus Pocus! She disappeared!
Vanished from her daughter’s funeral,
She hid behind being a Christian,
In plain sight,
She hid behind the Bible,
In plain sight!
That demon was always hiding, 
In plain freaking sight!

February 24, 2024

Humiliation Ritual

Do you blame children for what they do not know,
Do you blame the homeless for being poor,
Look at that man walking around with wrinkled clothes,
He doesn’t know an iron nor to steam his clothes, 
His smile is like the sun,
He wears his heart on his rolled-up sleeve,
He’s magnetic, attractive, 
He just bought me a cup of coffee, 
He said I was pretty. 

Do you blame the woman who doesn’t speak the language, 
She needs that frustrating job, more than it irritates you,
Look at all these people speaking to her, like she’s an alien, 
The nickel and dime class can behave so classless, 
Haven’t been taught compassion,

That man’s hand is shaking, 
Where is the waitress with his drink!
He’s remembering his old woman,
The one he left with his children,
Where in the hell is his drink!
He needs to shake that feeling off,
He’s addicted to Blackjack, 
Lost is the loser!

The city doesn’t know rain,
It floods all the time,
This ship’s been sinking, 
It still behaves like the Titanic, 
Surprised that woman in her final years,
Said it was the first time hearing the news,
She never heard the ship sunk,
Times haven’t changed, 
History’s still the same.

February 19, 2024

No Kings on Earth

It is impossible for any man,
There is only God,
I don’t trust that any man is coming to save me,
What power do men really have,
They’ve never protected me,
They’ve never provided for me,
They’ve only wasted my time,
With a fantasy!

I don’t see men capable at all,
I’ve seen God,
They are no match to Him,
There is no comparison,
It is a difficult position,
Given this circumstance,
Does anyone truly understand.

February 17, 2024


What I do is effortless,
I’m channeling,
There is no wrong in what I write,
I don’t have to do it if I so don’t want,
I’m not greater loved if I do,
There are no conditions, 
I’m glad that I know this!

The Universe works slow,
He can give a damn about your plans,
A hoo-ha about your profits,
Drink and be merry,
Eat, sleep, and sh*t!

January 16, 2024

Five and Seven

He has given greater gifts,
Greater than I could have imagined, 
To give to myself, 
When presented with them, my response, 
For me?

I've feared asking people for help,
Never wanted to see them, 
I beautifully painted over them, 
Never wanted to see them, 
I decorated characteristics, 
Characteristics they never had, 
Never wanted to see them.

January 11, 2024


I knew my girl when I saw her,
I was standing on Flamingo,
I watched her run, and she won,
Through telepathy, she contacted me,
"Momma, watch me run!"

Ow, what grace I am given,
Grace to be able to stumble upon that race,
What haven't I forgiven myself for,
The sorrow and tears,
I can't recall, but certainly something went wrong.

January 3, 2024

Never Goodbye

You will be a witness to my testimony,
We have never said goodbye,
You will scroll, stalk, like, comment, and subscribe,
You will energetically promote me with your silence.

I am the Mother,
The gift is in my energy,
The healing is in my frequency,
I reign in His Kingdom,
It is He, it is never I.

It doesn't matter how I choose to live my life,
We will all be scrutinized,
We are all imperfect,
Perfectly in His divine plan.