February 24, 2024

Humiliation Ritual

Do you blame children for what they do not know,
Do you blame the homeless for being poor,
Look at that man walking around with wrinkled clothes,
He doesn’t know an iron nor to steam his clothes, 
His smile is like the sun,
He wears his heart on his rolled-up sleeve,
He’s magnetic, attractive, 
He just bought me a cup of coffee, 
He said I was pretty. 

Do you blame the woman who doesn’t speak the language, 
She needs that frustrating job, more than it irritates you,
Look at all these people speaking to her, like she’s an alien, 
The nickel and dime class can behave so classless, 
Haven’t been taught compassion,

That man’s hand is shaking, 
Where is the waitress with his drink!
He’s remembering his old woman,
The one he left with his children,
Where in the hell is his drink!
He needs to shake that feeling off,
He’s addicted to Blackjack, 
Lost is the loser!

The city doesn’t know rain,
It floods all the time,
This ship’s been sinking, 
It still behaves like the Titanic, 
Surprised that woman in her final years,
Said it was the first time hearing the news,
She never heard the ship sunk,
Times haven’t changed, 
History’s still the same.

Never seen a city that doesn’t invite their residents to the party,
Knowing damn well their wages can’t afford it,
Treats their residents like servants,
Ready to serve people who don’t care to show up,
Rolled out the carpet, no one’s walking on it,
“We are the fun, we are the world”, but you can’t tell that to dumb-dumb,
They sure know how to ruin the party, 
People will only believe what they see,
Did everybody see that the party was empty,
It was in the collective energy, ghosted!
Energy doesn’t lie like your dumbed-up reports.

Let’s pretend this ship’s not sinking,
The ships people took to get here,
Do you remember the ships?
The ships that brought over the women so you could cheat on your Christian wife,
They sure knew how to make a woman feel like she is the bride,
I guess that’s why some women don’t want a wedding, 
Soiled it into a woman’s psyche, the grand white virgin dress,
They made it seem so pristine, spotless, 
Only to marry a Christian dirty Dick.

The ships of everyday life, those ships,
The ship that capsized crossing the Panama Canal,
That multimillion-dollar ship!
The ships that have sailed because of pride!
The ships that cruised so you could see the world, 
How far did you really have to go to still be on Earth!

Come visit our streets, 
We got all the fake you’ll ever need!
They sure know how to take the fun out of fake,
Self-sabotaging and humiliating, 
The humiliation ritual placed upon ordinary people, 
Keeping them enslaved to their system, 
Ordinary people just want to have fun and fall in love,
Simple, they do not know nor care to understand, 
They sell corporate water in the desert, 
I’ve tasted many different brands.

Even Lilith got her water for free,
Adam should have stayed with his first wife,
Two people made from the same soil would take better care of Earth,
They were equally created to do so.

Eve was created from Adam’s rib, 
She only mirrored back to him, 
Mirrored just how much he destroyed himself, 
Submission is conscious trust and surrender, 
A disaster for a woman to marry a man who isn't aware that he is submissive to himself!
A man who slaps her face pains himself, 
The mirroring principle, 
A piss story about Eve in the man’s book,
Surely told us who Adam really was,
Humiliated when he realized he was naked!

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