May 26, 2020


Photo by Josh Hild from Pexels

I knew the truth would heal me.
My flesh needed to know,
Family secrets,
So I asked you with my tongue, 
Questions you never answered,
Questions that would always,
Silence you with tears.

Scattered like fall leaves,
The life path, under my feet
Not knowing,
You were ashamed,
To tell me the truth.

In the darkness of it all,
There was Someone there,
Always there for me,
Looking at all my foolishness.
I’ve always felt His presence,
Even speaking to Him during the chase,
Trying to conquer hearts that were hardened.

He was present to my every fall,
Reaching for what wasn’t meant for me,
Seeking love under flooded bridges
With only enough headroom for a canoe
Swamped with jaded lovers, 
Amateur stars, leaving me in the dark
Feeling through the night, 
Reaching out with my hands,
Hoping to find Someone,
To guide me out.

Blindly, I found God.
He was reaching for me too,
It’s the relationship I always wanted,
Honest, with no judgment
Forgiving, and fulfilling
Never disappointing.

I now realize,
My expectations were too high
For you, and our relationship
And, I’m sorry.
I’m really sorry,
You can never be

Another poem to read:  Swipe Left

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