May 25, 2020

His Vision of Love

Photo by Gelgas Airlangga from Pexels

I needed to change my perception,
To receive the vision of love, God had for me.
The negative thinking,
The grossness of the images,
The mal outcomes I would create, vividly in my mind
With clouded self-esteem, blocking my every dream.
I was so entangled in a web of darkness, 
Creating a disaster before anything ever happened,
I always thought the worst,

I got curious about His vision,
What was it? 
What was intended for me?
What was His vision, when He created me?
I realized that it was I, that was preventing me from fulfilling my destiny.
I was a bud, unable to bloom because I was more consumed with sight,
Saturated my life with the sight before my eyes,
I was more consumed with sight than faith.
A flower doesn’t bloom in environments, disadvantaged
Unless it’s soiled with the blood of Christ, 
Rooted in His Spirit.

The vision He had for me
I shelved, like the seeds in sachets waiting to be planted
Until I hungered for more, 
And decided to plant myself. 
I gave my life to Someone more fruitful
Feeding my soul with His word and light,
I started filling my life with His love.
I began to see the vision He had for me
When He created me. 


Another poem to read:  Nana

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