August 30, 2020

The Affair

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

He was on auto-pilot, busy
With a business affair, engaged
After work hours, pencil skirts
Slips and miss-slips, 
That often left her recounting 
Calendar days, from the business dinner
Meeting, that never exceeded past a minute late,
Never surpassed the afternoon valet rate,
Check balanced, with the alibi he told his wife.

Today's world catastrophe vacated offices,
Encouraging everyone to work from home,
Lingering around the ground floor,
Convinced it was too soon to head home,
Their rendezvous started sooner than ever before,
The trailing of the cars,  
No need to valet, okay to self-park,
A different air about the day, 
Leaving his phone in the glove compartment.

August 25, 2020

Untitled, Anna 2020

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

She doesn't want me anymore
How can she say we will remain friends
When I've valued her as being so much more
I can feel her severing ties 
She's completely running away

Her truth is in the smell of her new perfume
She's certainly overdressed for the occasion
Does she not feel the death of our marriage
She even did that thing with her hair
Glamorized, in this tragedy of my life

Divorcing amicably, nodding, agreeing 
Absorbed, pushing towards the end
I never envisioned this happening
Watching the rapid strokes of her pen
The tapping of it on the desk
Ready to sign again
Who is this woman!

August 23, 2020

Hold My Hand, Dear Lord

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

I look good today
My smile is brighter than the morning light
I've been meditating and praying, living the abundant life
Grateful for everything I have in my life
Woke up this morning in my new life

Slipped into my comfy two-piece loungewear set
Poured me a cup of coffee to sit at my desk
It's going to be a good day
Blessings and opportunities await
I am showered with grace

Ow, this man that I'm with
He's noticing the change
I can feel him breathing down my neck
He's looking for ways to distract me
So I ask, Do you need something, Honey?

I've been trying to show him another way of life
Something worth trying, for something to change
I haven't bothered him much, but he's more in my day
Observing and fixated with being in my space
So I ask, Do you need something, Honey?

I sit and listen to all his complaints
It's been fourteen years, and nothing has changed
I decided to stop waiting on his promises and payday
Stepped right into my abundant life, today
Changed my energy, my routine, formed new habits
Started thinking positively, became more discipline,
Started setting goals, stopped absorbing his negativity!

Ow, this man that I'm with is shaking in his bones
Still, he's unwilling to follow my MO
Still, he's unwilling to pick up the Bible
Still, he's unwilling to pray with me
Still, he's unwilling to meditate with me
Still, he's unwilling to start eating healthy
Still, he's unwilling to exercise and walk with me
Still, he's unwilling to save money
Still, he's unwilling to plan a trip out of country
This man's low self-esteem doesn't match my outfit
I told you, I look good today!

Do you need something, Honey?

Another poem to read:  Brand New

August 18, 2020

The Streetlights

Streetlight - Photo by Casila

I don't know anything about love
But I like this boy
All the girls like him too
They have a better chance of him liking them back
I have to be in the house
When the streetlights come on
The streetlights be ruining my life

I don't know what I would say to him
All I know is that I hope I don't stutter
My stuttering problem is worse when I'm in a rush
I swear them lights be coming on early
The streetlights be ruining my life

August 16, 2020


Photo by George Desipris from Pexels

I don't want to be like
the waves crashing, spitting up
high in-between the rocks,
carried by the direction of the wind,
never reaching the shore.

Another poem to read: An Adult's Cry

August 12, 2020

Boss Lady

Receipt - Photo by Casila

She brought me home,
Had to balance her checkbook first,
Before she could officially start company,
She plugged the figures into her spreadsheet,
Something wasn't figuring out,
She turned to her husband,
Chewed him out until he found the receipt, 
It proved that he wasn't back on drugs,
I just stood there feeling his embarrassment,
His shame, a blunt attack that proved he still wasn't trusted,
I was shocked by her rage, she erupted like a volcano,
I wasn't prepared to witness this version of a love story.

Another poem to read: 2nd Edition

August 9, 2020

The Accuser

Bible Page - Photo by Casila

Let me praise Him louder
While you plot your twisted schemes
I see you with open eyes now
I see you've been studying me
Your traps are meticulously planted 
And I say, look at this 
Would you just look at this
Look at this trap 
Wow, look at this one here
And look at that one there

The Accuser
Ready to kill, steal, and destroy
At any given moment
Ready to devour your heart 
Ready to destroy God's beautiful work of art
The Accuser hates it so much, 
The Accuser is furious!

The User
Ready to use all his recruits
The ones who willingly let him use them
Ready to ruin your everything, and your everything's everything
The Accuser hates to hear about His grace and mercy
Or anything about Him being sufficient 
The Accuser hates that you won't settle for his nothings!
The Accuser hates to hear me praise Him
The Accuser hates when I pick up my sword by saying His name
I twist the sword by saying it again
Thank you, Jesus!

I see your traps
I see the recruits that you use
Some of them use to be a part of my tribe
You hunted and recruited my closest, to get inside
You really came with your best of bests
You really wanted to see me fallen
You really wanted to see me crawling
You wanted me slithering like you across the floor
You wanted me far removed from the Lord
I see you Satan
Thank you, Jesus!

Another poem to read: Battlefield

August 5, 2020

Brand New

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

Distant I've become,
Wondering around in my mind,
New sights, new flights,
Newness in my life,
Anew in your eyes. 

Another poem to read: The Woman

August 4, 2020

Haste is Waste

Buckingham Palace - Photo by Casila

haste is waste like fast food /
served by employees driven by fear /
fear of not being good enough / fearing
termination of a minimum wage / haste is waste
like undeveloped relationships / the hit and quit /
like a parked car placed in neutral / rolling back
down the driveway / like a lease signed quickly
to avoid homelessness / in a community
where there is no peace / like getting a loan
for school admission / without a well-thought-out
written plan / for an unplanned future you fear
you won't have

haste is waste like a cup of ramen noodles /
it expands in a cup to be eaten / and still
you feel like you haven't eaten enough /
haste is waste like quick decisions / pressured by time
that's not flying / it's ticking / slowly taking its time /
Time is King / never in a haste /
you're going to have to wait /
on His perfect timing /
you're going to have to wait /

for His divine timing / perfectly orchestrated /
you are going to have to wait now /
haste is waste

Another poem to read: The Calling

August 3, 2020

Mr. Dapper

Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels

look at what I wanted / look at what I desired /
someone who would never show me his truth /
In love with the mystery of a man / he was so charming 
and handsome / had a presence / he would never go unseen /
a dapper gentleman / smelled of amber / myrrh
and testosterone / I was enamored / I was strung along 
on a budding love’s high / blinded by expectations / 
envisioned a desirable vision of love / enjoyed the joyride
like a sightseeing lift passing by evergreen / the scenic route
filled with all my imaginings / gassed up what we really were /
eyes glossed over in total admiration / in denial /
obsessed with my fantasy / being in his company /
I romanticized his every action / valued them more 
than the effort and thought he put into them / appreciated 
every moment of him / given to me / slowly I was 
lowered down to reality / down to common sense /
it picked at my subconscious / taunted me 
with where we would eventually be / off the high 
and thrill  / when all becomes familiar 
and I am no longer the spark and newness in his life / 
rumored to be a ladies man / why didn’t I think 
he’d do me the same way?

Another poem to read: Horse and Carriage