August 4, 2020

Haste is Waste

Buckingham Palace - Photo by Casila

haste is waste like fast food /
served by employees driven by fear /
fear of not being good enough / fearing
termination of a minimum wage / haste is waste
like undeveloped relationships / the hit and quit /
like a parked car placed in neutral / rolling back
down the driveway / like a lease signed quickly
to avoid homelessness / in a community
where there is no peace / like getting a loan
for school admission / without a well-thought-out
written plan / for an unplanned future you fear
you won't have

haste is waste like a cup of ramen noodles /
it expands in a cup to be eaten / and still
you feel like you haven't eaten enough /
haste is waste like quick decisions / pressured by time
that's not flying / it's ticking / slowly taking its time /
Time is King / never in a haste /
you're going to have to wait /
on His perfect timing /
you're going to have to wait /

for His divine timing / perfectly orchestrated /
you are going to have to wait now /
haste is waste

Another poem to read: The Calling

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