August 25, 2020

Untitled, Anna 2020

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

She doesn't want me anymore
How can she say we will remain friends
When I've valued her as being so much more
I can feel her severing ties 
She's completely running away

Her truth is in the smell of her new perfume
She's certainly overdressed for the occasion
Does she not feel the death of our marriage
She even did that thing with her hair
Glamorized, in this tragedy of my life

Divorcing amicably, nodding, agreeing 
Absorbed, pushing towards the end
I never envisioned this happening
Watching the rapid strokes of her pen
The tapping of it on the desk
Ready to sign again
Who is this woman!

I need to see a subtle flicker of doubt 
Why can't I catch her eyes
As a man, I can't cry 
I can't afford these tears weakening me
What have I done with my life
Have I just become another suit and tie
She won't even look up

The strange finality, to become strangers
I know I will never see her calling my phone
I will never have her waiting for me at home
I will never see her undressing
The woman, behind closed doors
It is now very apparent, she doesn't need me 
I may never see her again
I can't afford these tears weakening me
Now is not the time

Another poem to read: Untitled, April 2020

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