August 23, 2020

Hold My Hand, Dear Lord

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

I look good today
My smile is brighter than the morning light
I've been meditating and praying, living the abundant life
Grateful for everything I have in my life
Woke up this morning in my new life

Slipped into my comfy two-piece loungewear set
Poured me a cup of coffee to sit at my desk
It's going to be a good day
Blessings and opportunities await
I am showered with grace

Ow, this man that I'm with
He's noticing the change
I can feel him breathing down my neck
He's looking for ways to distract me
So I ask, Do you need something, Honey?

I've been trying to show him another way of life
Something worth trying, for something to change
I haven't bothered him much, but he's more in my day
Observing and fixated with being in my space
So I ask, Do you need something, Honey?

I sit and listen to all his complaints
It's been fourteen years, and nothing has changed
I decided to stop waiting on his promises and payday
Stepped right into my abundant life, today
Changed my energy, my routine, formed new habits
Started thinking positively, became more discipline,
Started setting goals, stopped absorbing his negativity!

Ow, this man that I'm with is shaking in his bones
Still, he's unwilling to follow my MO
Still, he's unwilling to pick up the Bible
Still, he's unwilling to pray with me
Still, he's unwilling to meditate with me
Still, he's unwilling to start eating healthy
Still, he's unwilling to exercise and walk with me
Still, he's unwilling to save money
Still, he's unwilling to plan a trip out of country
This man's low self-esteem doesn't match my outfit
I told you, I look good today!

Do you need something, Honey?

Another poem to read:  Brand New

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