December 3, 2023


I might as well be dead,
I’m certainly not living.

This time clock life,
I barely see the sun,
Ow, the night is cold,
Looking at faces I’ve grown to know,
Fragile and old, they move so slow.

No, I don’t want to be them,
It’s so indecent, this indecent hour.

The people-pleaser,
Living an old poor rundown life.

I heard this woman sing about her king,
He is Vice President of nothing, 
Gladly, she shares her fairytale,
This is such a weird flex.

November 28, 2023


I just released endorphins in my brain,
To make me feel happy.

Hey I, Hey I,
Aye I, Aye I,
I feel happy,
Do I,
Don’t I?
I crave happiness,
I want happiness.

The wake up drug,
I should wake up!
My heart rate has increased,
Do I feel love?

November 18, 2023

Life Review

In spirit, why would I agree to this life?
I am my greatest love, 
My greatest deception.

It was the smile that I believed, 
The smile that covered my pain,
I thought it to be good. 

I watched my life unfold, 
I was like, 'ow yeah',
I agreed to live this life, 
Without the capacity to feel
And Isolation.

I saw her smile, 
I believed her smile, 
I thought it to be good, 
God agreed, 
He orchestrated my birth.

November 2, 2023

Dream Analysts

I had a dream last night, 
Of a kiss,
Is anyone else having these dreams?

It wasn’t stolen,
It was planted on my lips,
Who was I? That wanted this kiss,

I had a dream last night,
Of his eyes,
Colorful and different.

I’ve never seen him before
To have dreamt up his total image,
How could this be possible?


I have the clouds to dance,
The sun and moon for magic tricks,
The wind and thundershowers for cinematic action,
I am entertained.

I have strayed cats to befriend,
Birds to bring me messages,
Trees to link up to share my prayers,
Their roots are beneath my every step.

I have eyes that melt to tears at my reflection,
Hands to put together that keep me company,
Breath that escapes from my lungs,
I have ears that listen to my inner voice.

I have reminders,
My soul’s still here.

October 19, 2023

Leprechaun Shoes

Constructive criticism
When I'm on my last wind,
Sounds like you're complaining.

No one's coming to-get-Her,
There is no sisterhood,
Women have never kept me safe.

I have so many dried tears,
It's hard to move my face.

I manifested you,
Ms. Mischievous, 
You fit the unlucky description.

June 24, 2023


In the middle of the night
My subconscious arises 
She takes care of me
I’m grateful
Every morning 

June 13, 2023


If you believe,
God is a Man,
God always provides,
Men are to provide,

Boys raised with no father,
Girls crowned with no father,
God always provides,
He provides.

And still,
Be still,
He is enough!

May 25, 2023


My loyalty destroyed my reincarnation

I was a dreamer, a poet, an artist, a Pisces 

I was the giver to the takers

The unmarried housewife 

The nickel and dime worker 

I was always hopeful 

It’s what kept me alive

I was the love to my lover

I died for him a thousand times

He promised me nothing

Served me a pack of lies

I gave him my body and soul 

I was generous with my life

I was a stage queen

Surrounded by bill collectors 

I never got an applaud 

From where I came from

She wasn’t proud of me

I was nobody 

I was ghosted

The money disappeared too


People disappeared with it

May 18, 2023

Fortune Teller

Promise me love,

Two years from now.

Keep me hopeful,

Keep me daydreaming,

Sell me crystals,

Sell me tarot,

Sell me a private reading,

Sell me my future,

Sell me my fantasy,

Tell me my sweet,

Tell me sour things,

Tell me beware, 

Tell me, my dear.

Bad news

Forecasting a dark shadow

Over my life.

May 13, 2023


Who needs a heart
Disappoint me now

Offering nothing 

Who needs emotion

Energy in motion

Intent to disappoint 

Who needs a heart 

You, give no love

You, do not care

You, have no plans, for me

Who needs a heart, with you

The type 

That sleeps around,

Turns around, and spits in your face

Who needs a heart for that

April 29, 2023


And when I saw him
I then realized
Love is like youth for the seasoned
A feeling of budding birth
And uncontrollable smiles

April 26, 2023

Child Actress

The corners of her mouth turned down
Discovering an actress
It was as if she saw a ghost
Something foreign
An alien

Her stare was intense,
In total shock
You could read her mind
Racing with questions
How does she never break character?
Why is she doing this?
When did this start?
Who is she?
I thought I knew her.

April 19, 2023


I live a life of regret,
Made myself to be,
Who I needed to be,
They don't know who I am.

The shows been over,
The residency has ended,
I don't have to report there anymore.

April 12, 2023


I'm every man's luck.
Don't you feel lucky?
I'm the currency of the world.
It is my energy,
I gave life to everyone living.
Lucky to be alive!

April 5, 2023


There is comfort in the present moment,
Discomfort with the past,
Worry, unable to predict the future.

Life is better when you focus on the present moment,
One moment at a time,
Molding your circumstances,
Creating life.

February 23, 2023

Let a Spade be a Spade

Photo by Raka Miftah from Pexels


Some men are jealous of women
Sometimes hard to believe
Let a Spade be a Spade

Some men will never teach a woman to read
He will never teach her anything
Move his mistress into his house,
When his wife falls sick
Let a Spade be a Spade

Some men gamble with stock,
Push their chest out a lot
Fly to Alaska
To land in Hawaii
Google records him spying on her
Yep, he still thinks of her
He has a big ego
Let a Spade be a Spade

February 4, 2023

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus | Lifestyle (video)

I don't think I will ever buy premade hummus from the grocery store again. Now that I have the key ingredients at home, it just wouldn't make sense. The amount of hummus you receive in those thin round containers is laughable. You run out of hummus and still have a lot of pita chips left. The amount of hummus that one can of chickpeas makes is like buying two containers of hummus from the grocery store. 

The recipe is simple. You measure all the ingredients and blend them until smooth. I'm not sure it's assumed in the video that I drained and rinsed the chickpeas. I didn't just dump the can of chickpeas in the blending container. It's not shown in the video, so I thought I would add that detail to my blog. I received more views than I anticipated from this video.

I hope you enjoy your hummus.