June 2, 2020

Love in the Rain

Photo by Mario Cuadros from Pexels

Scattered showers are forecasted this evening,
The air turned a melancholy grey
As the temperature dropped crisp ice cold,
I grabbed a heavy cardigan,
Lit a candle to match its melancholy,
Settled into a chair to sip a cup of tea,
Prepared my ears for the rain’s serenading depth,
Watching Heaven orchestrate moments picturesque.

Staring at the pavement,
Watching the rain make puddles for reflection,
A grand symphony of sound,
Rain carried by the winds stringing its sound,
Swirling rain wrapping itself around
Reality, and the simplicity of life.
Watching the rain fall down on people,
Tapping their shoulders, like the touching of God’s tears,
Humbling my soul,
As my cup touches my lips warmed with compassion,
Watching the frantic expressions on faces
Stressfully running to their destinations,
Watching the one walking slowly drenched in defeat,
I can feel the heaviness of his feet
As he struggles to move on with life,
The day darkens,
And it has nothing to do with the rain.

I sat listening to the rain tapping on my window,
Its cascading sound, pulling my heart strings,
Notes playing perfectly pitched, escalating
The desires in my heart.
The singing of the rain
Brought tears to my eyes, forgiving the insane, the unforgiving
Ow, how does it weigh on my heart,
The sound of the rap-a-tat-tat on the window seal,
Like stacks of rattling bracelets,
That fall down wrists beautifully decorated.

My heart still beats for you,
You’re the soundtrack of my heart,
My heart wants what it wants,
And as the night falls I can see my reflection
In the glass of the window,
I watch myself soften like an orchestra of harps,
As the rain stops, releasing its last drop
To finalize love like the sound of chiming bells,
I can forgive you, and this frivolous quarrel.

There’s something about the rain,
Accompanied by my thoughts of you,
Painting you all over my future in my daydreams,
There was something about the rain,
An eloquent symphony that softened me,
With  my romantic desires for you,
There was something about the rain
That made me pick up the phone,
To break the silence,

Another poem to read: Don't Hang Up

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