June 11, 2020

No Introduction

Photo by Casila - Mona Lisa

Nobody knows her,
The woman who lifted your self-esteem,
The woman who inspired you to find yourself,
Ow, and a much-needed style,
Inspired you to educate yourself on well-being,
She was the fire that reignited your zest for life,
She complimented you on your natural talents,
Your natural gift to the world,
The gift you swept under the rug,
The gift that now feeds you, and finances your vision,
Your dreams,
But, nobody knows her.

You never introduced her to your family,
None of your acquaintances,
None of your friends,
None of your business colleagues,
None of the neighbors in the neighborhood you now live in.

Who is she?
Who is she now?
Is she the other woman?
They question,
Ow, they know her, your chosen,
The accessory to your new lifestyle,
Who years ago, you’d thought was out of your league.

Ow, she crazy
She crazy!
Ow, I tell yall she real crazy.

Nobody knows her,
Not even you.

Another poem to read: Vixen

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