April 25, 2020

The Muse

Photo by Creative Vix from Pexels

I’m the muse
The illusion and subconscious fusion
Of the woman you desire, in a perfect world
Placed me on a pedestal so high
Superwoman, out of this world. 
Perfection, painted in your mind
Untouchable, intangible, golden
Unreal, unhuman, flawless
Specified with intricate details
Superficially sculpted, inside and outside.
So when you saw my true essence,
The glowing presence of my flesh,
Time stood still 
To capture a portrait 
Now embedded in your mind.
You hid behind the wall
To see enough to be in awe 
I knew you’d never come,
I knew you’d stand me up.

Another poem to read: Untitled, Angel 2020

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