April 29, 2020

The Woman

Photo by Amar Saleem from Pexels

The woman woke up 
the next morning and understood
her value, she started establishing boundaries
in relationships where there was no balance.

Started replacing fear with faith 
and confiding with Christ, her Counselor
to practice privacy, admitting her needs
in this new chapter in her life.

She started being patient 
in learning to trust 
herself, started investing in herself, believing in 
herself, and restoring her power.

She stopped giving people power they don’t have!
Learning that they only wanted to 
steal her peace of mind, 
change her morals, 
muddy up her self-respect,
devalue her self-worth.

The woman work up 
came into agreeance with God
that she deserved more out of life 
started praying, 
became discipline enough 
to change her life.

Another poem to read:  The Gated Garden

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