December 27, 2022


Photo by Casila - Create

Remember, who hurt you
You can forgive, but you can't go...

That dark place, which He has dragged you out of,
Still exist,
The energy is still there,
Ready to steal your spirit of joy,
Welcoming you back,
Like home,
Slowly unraveling all the stitches of your smile,
Opening wounds to bleed over your new life.

December 2, 2022

Dinner at the Diner | Poetry (video)

Video, Poem originally posted December 13, 2020 - Dinner at the Diner

This poem was inspired by (my favorite Christmas song) Luther Vandross, Every Year, Every Christmas.

November 12, 2022

Don't Meet the Family

Photo by Casila - Writing Table

A room full of women,
Present, present, present,
Every holiday,
Every birthday,
Every Mother's Day,
Every celebration.

A room full of women,
All invited, 
Wifey, but not engaged.

Emotionally invested,
Financially invested,
Present, present, present,
Helping his family grow,
Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant,
Buying his family gifts,
Present, present, present,
Auditioning for the family,
Devalued and not the prize.

November 10, 2022

City Visits

Photo by Vladimir Došenović

Bang, Bang, Bang!
It's the city, open up!
Oh, how's the property today?
How's your smiling face?

Let me rock your door,
Crack it with lightning bolts,
There is power in this balled fist,
Let me show you who I am!

This energy that I've created,
This energy that's unwelcomed,
This energy to disrupt,
This energy before my screaming voice!

October 31, 2022

The Universe

Photo by Aksonsat Uanthoeng from Pexels

You're not afraid 
Of love.

That wasn't love.

You've never experienced it.

Look around...
And then,
Look up.

October 22, 2022


Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

I am

October 2, 2022

Blue Moon Almond Smoothie | Lifestyle (video)


The idea for this smoothie came along after trying to figure out how to use the unnecessary amount of rolled oats that I have. I don't enjoy eating rolled oats in the morning, and I'm over trying. I've decided to put it in a smoothie to get the benefits of eating oats. I admit this smoothie is a bit what I like to call on the "rich" side. It's probably one that you would make once in a blue moon. The ingredients can be adjusted, so you're not feeling like you need a nap after drinking it. I thought about adding nutmeg. I could do without the banana and adjust the almond butter to one tablespoon. However, this recipe is a base for many different smoothies. I have to experiment more. I hope you enjoy your smoothie.

*update, I'm now using Torani vanilla syrup instead of vanilla extract.


Ms. Casila

September 24, 2022

Pineapple Ginger Tea | Lifestyle (video)


I made another ginger tea for you.  This time I added pineapple.  You can use fresh pineapple or canned pineapple for this drink.  I hope you enjoy your cup of tea.  Check out my other videos. 


Ms. Casila

September 20, 2022

Lemon Ginger Tea | Lifestyle (video)


This blog wasn't originally a poetry blog.  You won't be seeing any haircare product reviews or tutorials on this blog, but I want to add other relevant content to expand my audience.  Think of everything "cozy" that you might need as a writer or reader.  I have a few ideas for new content that I could incorporate to spice things up.  I hope you enjoy your cup of tea. 

Thank you,

Ms. Casila

August 24, 2022


Ms. Casila - Photo by Casila

I will always have a good person in my life,
That person is me,
I will always have someone who loves me unconditionally,
That person is me.

I will always have someone who supports me,
When I look in the mirror, 
That person is she,
She compliments me,
Encourages me,
She's forever concerned with my well-being.

She's always there for me,
That person is me.

August 19, 2022

Positive Affirmations | Poetry (video)

Video, Poem originally posted June 2, 2022 - Positive Affirmations

Visit my Amazon author's page to view my current notebooks.  Thanks. 
Front Cover

Back Cover

August 3, 2022


Photo by Jonaorle from Pexels

I see life in your eyes
The burnt orange sunlight exploding
Speckles of blue
The air from my lungs sucked in
Smothered with kisses
Bathed in your sexual mystery
Never able to figure out what was whispered
Always forgetting to ask
Somehow, I comprehend 
The whispering of sweet nothings
Carrying the energy code of everything

July 25, 2022

Let The Crab Eat The Bull

Ceramic Clawfoot Tub and Flower Vase - Photo by Casila

Some people are light dimmers, forever flickering between friend and foe. - Ms. Casila 

Self-sacrifice is not a ticket into Heaven, my dear
Slaving for people who don’t really care,
Putting them first, and you’re not treated fair,
Emptying yourself, 
Filling their cup, 
Enriching their lives
Building them up.

They tear you down,
Steal your joy, 
Devour your life,
Slowly chip away to have more of your day, 
Slowly chip away to have more of your strength, 
Slowly chip away to have more of your faith,
You better learn sooner to leave them right there.

June 2, 2022

Positive Affirmations

Photo by SHVETS Production from Pexels

I am ageless
I am blessed
I am courageous
I am divine
I am excellence
I am favored
I am gracious
I am honorable
I am intelligent
I am joyful
I am kind
I am loved
I am mindful
I am nurturing
I am optimistic
I am poetic
I am queen
I am royalty
I am successful
I am treasured
I am unforgettable
I am victorious
I am woman
I am xo
I am youthful
I am zest

I am the mother to my inner child.  It is my responsibility that she is treated well. - Ms. Casila

Visit my Amazon author's page to view my current notebooks.  Thanks. 
Front Cover

Back Cover

April 19, 2022

Ardent Flames of Love

Lit Candle - Photo by Casila

I am the one He chooses, over and over, and over again,
Every morning when His light is in my eyes, after my darkest nights,
I am perfectly loved with all my imperfections accepted,
I am perfected in His presence, because He died for me,
I am showered with grace and mercy, because He died for me,
I am divinely guided and protected, because He died for me.

I am the one that He loves, I am the one, over and over, and over again, 
I am washed of all of my sins, He doesn't even remember them!
I am shown that I am loved, over and over, and over again, 
I am chosen.  He chooses me!
His undying love, 

April 12, 2022


Prince at Michigan & Ohio - Photo by Casila 

When I’m gone,
Show me, Lord.
Let them be moved,
Filled with emotion,
Let them cry.

March 22, 2022


Prayer Candles - Photo by Casila

Burn my body when I die
Leave no bones in this land
People, I don't know
Don't carry my bones to my homeland
Land, that I don't know
Turn me to ashes
Turn me to dust

Burn my body when I die
Burn the hatred I've experienced throughout my life
Burn the target on my back!
Burn this temple!
For my soul is no longer there

March 15, 2022

Thou Art

I Dream in Color (4pc) - Photo and Art by Casila

*I no longer have the art photographed.

Ever notice that the human experience is blissful, at moments
Intoxicating, joyous, as if holding hands, spinning round and round
Ever notice how a feather settles gently at the right time, purposeful 
You noticed, yes you noticed, the feather lightly land
You noticed, yes you noticed, somethings, something
You noticed, some moments

March 8, 2022


Photo by Wallace Araujo from Pexels

When I married you
That was me saying...
I'm repping you for life
Yes, I'll take your last name
Yes, I want to be your partner
I want to spend the rest of my life
Elevating in life
If we should fall into bad times
I'm your partner during those times
Two is always better than one
Together, we are stronger

March 1, 2022

The Tour

Photo by Mark Angelo Sampan from Pexels

Somebody, please save me
His world is much too dark
I want to follow him
I do, I want to see his eyes
He makes me feel alive
Someone come save me
From his grasp, that I like

February 12, 2022

Honey, I'm Home

Photo by Maria Bortolotto

Your voice is the rescue my heart waits for
It brings harmony to moments before
I color myself in your aura 
My arms dance around to embrace you
You're like cherry wood 
You're like cherry chapstick
You're like cherry vodka 
Effen Ultimate Cosmo
The relaxing highlight of my day
To many more years

February 8, 2022

Temporary Reprieve

Keys - Photo by Casila

This home was built to keep me safe
To sleep in warmth
To prepare meals to eat 
To shower my stress away
My santuary to pray
To mediate the confusion away.

My happiness was felt here
Happy, when I set a vase of flowers on my table
Happy, when I lit scented candles to perfume the air
Happy, when I sipped hot tea infront of the tv
My temporary reprieve from suffering.

February 1, 2022

7:02 p.m.

7:02 p.m. Clock - Photo by Casila

Never complain about the slowness of time.  Someone else may be needing a moment.  You needed a moment.  - Ms. Casila

I'm excited, I'm so anxious
I know it's going to happen for me
Gosh, I wish time would just hurry
I'm all set and ready
I know it's coming
I can't wait to see
I just know it, I can feel it
Ugh, what time is it?

January 27, 2022

Angel Numbers

Believe - Photo by Casila

Helping me
I can't see
On clocks
Reminding me
Directing me
There's still a plan 

January 20, 2022

Stronger | Poetry (video)

Video, Poem originally posted June 26, 2017 - Stronger
Evolve at your own pace. You can't force flowers to bloom. - Ms. Casila

January 13, 2022


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

All your problems belong at my Son's feet,
Have gratitude for what you have,
Complain none,
Worry none,

January 6, 2022

Untitled, April 2020 | Poetry (video)

Video, Poem originally posted April 16, 2020 - Untitled, April 2020
Would you let your ex-spouse walk you down the aisle if you remarried?